World braille Day 2024 : Every year on 4th January World Braille Day is observed to give importance to the blind and partially sighted people. On this day the inventor of the Braille, Louis braille was born in the year 1809 in France.

Introduction about World Braille Day 2024
Braille is a tactile representation of alphabetic and numerical symbols using six dots to represent each letter and number, and even musical, mathematical and scientific symbols.
Braille was invented in 19th Century by Louis braille, hence named after its inventor. It’s used by blind and partially sighted people to read in a visual font.

United Nation General Assembly in the year 2018 announced January 04 to observe as World Braille Day to celebrate the birth anniversary of Louis Braille, who invented that Braille Literacy at the age of 15 years.

World Braille Day 2024 is about to celebrate 7th time this year. The main idea behind its celebration is to create more and more awareness about the importance of the day.
Various Important days are being observed in our country to create awareness among the citizens of the country. One can visit the home page of this KVS Library website to get more information about the important days.
Question & Answers on World Braille Day
World Braille Day 2024 in India
India is going to celebrate world braille day with great enthusiasm. As per the Press Information Bureau of India many activities are being organised by the institutions and the government offices. List of such activities are furnished below:
- Slogan and pamphlet competition.
- Braille writing and reading competition.
- Speech drama, poetry, and song competitions.
- Rhyme singing, dance presentations, and more by the students.
To know more about World braille day, here we have an educational video…
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