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Balvatika : Pre School education in Kendriya Vidyalayas


Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has introduced Balvatika as a preschool education. KVS has started admission in Balvatika 2024-25.  At first KVS (HQ) identified 50 prominent KVs for the introduction of Balvatika and in the next year 450 KVs were identified for opening on Balvatika 1,2 and 3.

In view of the NEP 2020 pre-schooling is mandatory for the age group of 3 to 5 years of child. In the year 2023-24, Kendriya Vidyalaya identified 450 KVs for the fresh introduction of Balvatika education for the age group students.

Balvatika 2024-25

Admission in Balvatika for 2024-25

In KVs Balvatika admission is done online. Parents need to apply online. The schedule of Balvatika admission 2024-25 in KVS has been published on the official website of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, New Delhi. Link for the admission to Balvatika for 2024-25 is given below:

Document required for Balvatika admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya for session 2024-25

As per the admission guidelines 2022-23 and 2023-24 following documents are required for applying online for admission in Balvatika  –

  1. The date of birth certificate of the child as proof of age issued by the competent authority to register the birth.
  2. Residential address proof of the Parents.
  3. ID proof of the parents.
  4. Blood report certificate of the child.
  5. Caste certificate (EWS/OBC(NCL)/SC/ST) whichever is applicable.
  6. Service certificate of the father/mother, duly issued from the Head of the office. (in the case of Government Servants), showing some transfers of government servants.
  7.  Self-declaration for distance between school and residence

Formate for the document required for admission in Balvatika 2024-25

Age criteria for admission in Balvatika 2024-25 in KVS :

Balvatika 13 to 4 years3 years but less than 4 years of age.
Balvatika 24 to 5 years4 years but less than 5 years of age.
Balvatika 35 to 6 years5 years but less than 6 years of age.
Reckoning of Age as on 31.03.2024 (Child born on 01.04.2024
shall also be considered )

Single Girl Child (SGC) Quota in Balvatika Admission 2024-25 :

In Kendriya Vidyalaya, the Single Girl Child (SGC) quota is assigned to a single girl child or the only girl child of the parents. For this, parents need to submit an affidavit duly issued by the notary, of amount Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred Only)

Admission under the Single Girl Child(SGC) category is not applicable for admission in Balvatika 2024-25. Admission benefit is applicable under SGC, for classes 1 to 5 onwards 02 students per section and 02 students per class.

Balvatika 1,2 and 3No reservation for Single girl Child (SGC)
Class 1 to 502 Child per section
Class 6 and onwardsNo reservation for Single Girl Child (SGC)

Schedule for admission in Balvatika 2024-25

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has published the schedule for admission in Balvatika for the academic session 2024-25 :

Advertisement for admission in Balvatika for 2024-254th week of March 2024
(Latest by 31.03.2024)
Offline registration for Balvatika I, II and III
(Only selected KVs)
01.04.2024 (Monday)
10:00 A.M. onwards
Last date for offline registration for Balvatika I, II, and III15.04.2024 (Monday)
05:00 P.M.
Declaration of Provisional Selected and Waitlist for Registered Candidates
Admission of eligible & selected candidates as per the list in the following order:
(i) RTE
(ii) From Service Priority Category (I and II) only
(iii) Shortfall of Reservation Quota after admission in (i) and (ii)above
1st List – 19.04.2024(Friday)
2nd List – 29.04.2024 (Monday)
[If seats remain vacant]
3rd List – 08.08.2024(Wednesday)
[If seats remain vacant]
Extended date for the Second Notification for offline registrations for
admission to be made under RTE Provisions, SC,ST and OBC (NCL),
if sufficient applications were not received in offline mode.
Notification on 07.05.2024 (Tuesday)
Registration from 08.05.2024 (Wednesday)
to 15.05.2024(Wednesday)
Display of list and Admissions
22.05.2024 (Wednesday) to 27.05.2024 (Monday)
Last date of admission for Balvatika classes29.06.2024 (Saturday)
List of Kendriya Vidyalayas is running Balvatika I, II and III

List of Kendriya Vidyalayas is running Balvatika I, II and III

Note :

  1. If any of the dates happens to be a public holiday the next working day shall be treated as opening/closing dates.

Balvatika Application Form-

Checklists For Admission in KVS for 2024-25

  1. Application Form
  2. Birth Certificate
  3. CWSN (Child WithSpecial Needs) Certificate
  4. Caste Certificate (Wherever applicable)
  5. Service Certificate (Wherever applicable)
  6. Pay Slip (Last 3 Months)
  7. Transfer Certificate of Parents
  8. Certificate of Retirement for Uniformed Defence Employees.
  9. Residential Proof
  10. Photo Identity Card of Parent (Aadhar/ Voter Card/Driving License/Passport).
  11. EWS/ BPL Card (Wherever applicable).
  12. Blood Group Report
  13. General Affidavit (Format available at the school website and School Notice Board).
  14. Other Undertaking (If any).

Note:- 1. Copies of all required documents (self-attested) are to be submitted and original documents are to be produced for verification at the time of admission. Father and Mother must come with their ward for admission.

2. Little deviation in the documentation and supporting documents may vary from KV to KV.

Disclaimer : (a)This is not an official website of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan or any KV. (b) All the details given here have been referenced from the official website of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. You are requested to kindly visit the sangathan website.

Balvatika Lottery / Draw of Lots

Balvatika Lottery dates has been released by the KVS. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has released the scheduled to conduct the Lottery or Draw of Lots in their respective KVs on 19.04.2024.

On 19.04.2024 Balvatika Lottery/Draw of Lots will be performed with the presence of Admission monitoring committee duly constituted with the prior approval of the Chairman, Vidyalaya Management Committee.

Admission monitoring committee member will conduct Lottery smoothly at vidyalaya. Balvatika Lottery will be performed in offline mode wherease Class I lotter will be performed Online mode through OLA Portal

Balvatika Lottery/Draw of Lots Results …

All the vidyalayas will conducted Balvatika Lottery at the Vidyalaya level. After that a list is to be prepared showcasing provisionally selected and waiting list candidate.

All the admissions will be done as per strictly following the set of rules of Admission guidlines 2024-25 as published by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.

Admission of Balvatika will be done in view of the social category and service category as prescirbed in the admission guidlines 2024-25.

One can visit the respective vidyalaya website to view the provisionally selected and waitlist candidate.


19 thoughts on “Balvatika : Pre School education in Kendriya Vidyalayas”

  1. Mohd Moinoddin

    My name is mohd Moinoddin iam a private employe and staying in hyderabad my son age is 5 plus
    Balavatika 3 elgible or not elgible and which documents requrired

  2. Jayraj Jitendra Singh

    I wish to apply balvatika -1, but I am working in private firm, can you pls help me in understanding, if I am eligible for my 2.6 months old sons admission, in nearby Andheri East Mumbai – 93.

    My dream is to get the admission in KVS Balvatika – 1 for my son, so that he can get a good education.

  3. Naveen Raj Ramachandran

    After getting admission for my kid in Balvatika 1 in KV and then after studying Balvatika 1, 2 & 3 in KV, whether my kid will be automatically moved (considered) to Class I in KV or do I need to apply again for Class I in KV?
    Whether getting admission on Balvatika 1 is enough for my kid to study in KV till class 12? or Balvatika’s admission is only applicable till Balvatika 1, 2 & 3 only? then whether I need to apply for Class I in KV separately after studying Balvatika 1, 2 & 3 which means my kid might get or might not get admission for Class I based on lottery procedure.

  4. Arif Thanedar Mohammed

    if we get admission into Balavatika-3 this year and my kid clears the year successfully. Will his admission to Class1 in that particular KV will automatically enrolled or do we have to again go through the same admission procedure next year for class1.

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