Critical and Creative Thinking program has been taken up by CBSE in the year 2020. The main objective behind this program is to inculcate critical and creative thinking among the learners. Generally, students solve those questions which they have solved in the past or teachers have solved for them but through these high-order thinking questions, students can think around with 360 views.

CBSE has provided certain sets of questions to meet the needs of this program. Teachers have instructed to put those questions at the beginning of the class or give those questions as homework.
In this article, we are going to share the list of question papers that have been framed by the teachers towards the creative and critical thinking among the students of Kendriya Vidyalaya. Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Question Papers will play a pivotal role in the life of the students. In this article, we are concentrating on the Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) KVS Question Papers. CCT Practice question papers and CCT Sample question papers are also available here for students and teachers.
CCT Question Papers
Critical and Creative Thinking(CCT) ability can be improved among the students by solving the previous year’s question papers and practice papers. Find below the list of class-wise and subject-wise question papers for the students.
These papers are very helpful for the teachers and the students of any board like CBSE, ICSE, or state board.