Krish,Trish and Baltiboy – Bharat Hain Hum is an animated movie launched by the Union Minister Shri Anurag Thakur. It is a series, containing two seasons. These series containing 52 episodes of 11 minutes each. This animated series was produced by Central Bureau of Communication, Minister of Information and Broadcasting and Graphiti Studios. Krish Trish and Baltiboy are the animated characters in this series.
This animated series depicted the Indian Freedom struggle from 1500 to 1947.
The main objective behind the creation of the series is to educate youngsters about the freedom fighter’s contribution to the struggle against the Britishers. The series is being published on three vital OTT platforms Doordarshan, Netflix and Amazon Prime. The series is also being published in 12 languages Hindi , Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, Assamese, Odia and English and eradicates the language barrier.
Krish Trish and Baltiboy are the popular characters of this series, revolves around the tales of unsung heroes of Indian freedom struggle. Some of the heroic figures are crafted around the animated series are : Rani Abbakka, Tilka Manjhi, Tirot Singh, Peer Ali, Tatya Tope, Kotwal Dhan Singh, Kunwar Singh (an 80-year-old freedom fighter), Rani Chennamma, Tikendra Jeet Singh and many more.
The series is dubbed into many foreign languages like French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
Channel | Season 1 | Season 2 |
Doordarshan | 15-01-2023 | 28-01-2024o |
Netflix | ||
Amazon Prime Video |
Overview of the KTB-Bharat hain hain
Name of Series | KTB – Bharat hain hum |
Date of releases | 15-01-2023 first season |
28-01-2024 second season | |
Produced by | Central Bureau of Communication, Minister of Information and Broadcasting and Graphiti Studio |
Inaugrated by | Union Minister Sh.Anurag thakur |
Main characters | Krish, Trish and Baltiboy |
OTT Platforms on which telecasted | Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Doordarshan |
No of languages on which published | 12 languages |
Hindi , Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, Assamese, Odia and English | |
No of seasons released till date | Two seasons |
No. of episodes | 52 episodes |
Timelines of the episodes | 11 Minutes |