Here, on this page, we will get KVS Question Papers for the students. Basically, previous year’s question papers, Sample Question papers, and Practice question papers are available for the students and teachers.
Kendriya Vidyalaya conducts various examinations during the session for continuous evaluation of their students, like PT 1 – Periodic Test 1, PT 2- Periodic Test 2, Mid Term or Half-yearly and Session Ending examination.
In this article, KVS Question Papers related to all the above examination is published for the better score of the students.

Question Paper KVS will be very helpful towards the improvement of their scorecard in the forthcoming examination.
You can get the Classwise link below for KV question papers.
Class-wise KVS Question Papers
To download the question paper click on the above link. All the question papers are downloaded from the various KVs domains and in PDF format. Which is very easy to access.
Apart from these question papers student can also solve question papers of CCT(Creative and Critical Thinking) question papers to score high marks in their examination. Get the link below to download the CCT question paper.